To earn honors, INTS majors must complete a one-credit Honors Thesis. The thesis is an opportunity for students with a strong academic record in the major to work closely with an INTS faculty member and to pursue independent research beyond the level attained in the Senior Seminar. Students are encouraged to use their language skills, the courses they have taken toward the major, and their experiences abroad to shape their area of inquiry and to determine their methodology. Students pursuing the thesis option will ordinarily take the Senior Seminar in the fall of their senior year and the one-credit Honors Thesis in the spring, although preparation and research for the thesis should begin well ahead of time. Applications for the thesis are typically due to the Director in late October.


安娜Trần “Unearthing Buried Narratives: The Vietnamese Diaspora through 21st Century Literary and Cultural Productions”

卡琳娜Amador “Uncovering the Complexities of Migration in Rural Villages: Insights from Ethnographic Research in Hidalgo, 墨西哥”

马里卡Buscaino “Experiencing Seine Saint Denis, A Parisian Suburb: An Immigrant Perspective”

Adyanna奥多姆 “B-Girls Run the World: Global Acts of Resistance through Hip Hop Dance”


阿米莉亚Huba “Climate Refugees: The Rising Case for Immigration Reform”

Sahian吉梅内斯 “Sex Tourism as a Human Rights Issue in Jamaica”

布鲁克Samaratunga “The Camera as a Political Tool: Examining Photography and the Sri Lankan Civil War”

Masho Jmukhadze “Russian Intervention in Post-Soviet Ethnic Conflicts in its Near Abroad: A Case Study of bkhazeti (Georgia) and its Implications for Post-Independence Politics”

卡罗莱纳的学校 “Neoliberalism and the Environment: AMLO and Mexico’s Cuarta Transformation”


考特尼罗伯 “Women in Charge: An Examination of Normative and Non-Normative Islamic Faith Based Gender Justice”
张高 “Filtered Beauty and Cyber-Nationalism in China”
Concilia Ndlovu “The Lottery Ticket” (non-fiction short story) & “The Psychological Consequences of Western and Postcolonial Education in    Africa” (short-form essay)
苏扬吴 “Safeguarding Guardianship: Capital and Political Cohesion in the Kettaniyya Order, 1909-1909”


Hamna塔里克 “The Permanent Liminality of Pakistan’s Northern Areas: The Case of Gilgit Baltistan”
Kaytlin Ernske “The Dragon’s Neocolonial White Elephant: China’s Urban Infrastructure in Lusaka, Zambia”
吉莉安·莱因哈德 “Orientalist Opera: Western Perceptions of the Other in the Early 20th Century”
约翰·吉莱斯皮 “把它踢出去 & Keep it Out: Racism in the English Premier League since 2014”
Elisabed Gedevanishvili  “Embedded Plutocracy: A Spectacle of Reform in Post-Revolutionary Georgia”


汉娜Grosberg “Bodies and Borders: Navigating Colonial and Capitalist Desires in Trinidad and Tobago”
尼古拉Kostic “’Go West and Also Go Global’: An Analysis of China’s Double Turn and Convergence at the Dawn of the 21st Century”


努尔马利克 “CPEC: Balancing the Benefits and Burdens”
Mallika卡纳 “Failure and the Feminist Gaze: Contesting the ‘Female Empowerment’ Narrative in Contemporary Bollywood Films”
凯特Dietrich-Manion “Neoshamanism Now: Condors, Eagles, and Itzhak Beery”
多米尼克•Ramsawak “‘Indian Gyal Nuh Easy’: Indo-Trinidadian Negotiations of Femininity and Sexuality through Carnival”
Yassine Halila “The Unsung Heroes of the Revolution: Organized Football Fandom and the ‘Ultras’ Phenomenon in Tunisia”


2017年高级论文作者沃伦·冯·怀斯 《信誉最好的网投十大平台》(The Forgotten Assassinations. 马尔科姆·H. 克尔 & 阿道夫·杜布瓦大使”
瑟瑞娜水手 “The Politics of Hiking in Israel/Palestine: A Colonization Guide”
弗朗西斯卡奥利维拉 《信誉最好的网投十大平台》
克里斯Filpo “Surviving in Urban Cities: Sociological Perspectives of Black and Latino Americans in the United States’ Era of Mass-Incarceration (1960s-present)”
伊丽莎白Valenzuela “Challenging Dominance: The Case of Hindu Musicians, Women, and Youth in Trinidad”
萨曼莎Constantinou “A Comparative Approach on Latin American Immigration to the U.S., Past and Present: Mexico, Cuba, and Nicaragua”
Chinmay Rayarikar “Rwanda: Development Towards Authoritarianism”
杰米Brandel “A Voice for the Voiceless: The UNPO and the Dalai Lama”
Alexa安德森 “From Liberation to Occupation: Orientalism Within the Context of the U.S. 占领伊拉克”


2016年毕业论文撰写人劳拉阿比欧娜 ”的地图, 利润率, and Storylines: Sociologically Imagining Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s Americanah and The Thing Around Your Neck”
伊恩•罗宾逊 “The Commodity City – Small Business and the State in Yiwu, China”
Schirin Schenkermayr “A Flower Between the Cracks: How Contemporary Theater Defies the Fragmentation of Palestine”
阿哈 “Shamanistic Traditions in Vietnam: Comparative Studies of Thai Shamanism and the Mother Goddess Practice”
杰克比利亚。 “Structural Failure: Identifying the Sites of Resistance in the Partnership Between Israel and Heidelberg Cement”


2015年毕业论文撰写人亚历克斯·布朗 “在欧洲给谁打电话”
亚历克斯Hermsen “Violence in Colombian and Cambodian Film: Truth, Past, and Memory”
卡罗琳·海耶斯 “‘Out’ in the Open: The Price of Visibility in the Queen Boat Scandal”
卡洛琳Kimmick “‘Prisoner of a Stunted Progress Model’: Ana Tijoux and her Critique of the ‘Chilean Miracle’”
Fayola弗雷泽 “Jews and Arabs in Argentina: A Study of the Integration, 的相互作用, and Ethnic Identification of Argentina’s Migrant Groups”

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